The Most Common Mental Health Conditions in 2021

More than 52 million adults in the United States have psychological problems, which is about 20 percent. The most common mental disorders are terms you might use to describe feelings, such as anxiety or depression. However, the mental disorders list also includes a number of typical diagnoses people are less familiar with.

If you are aware of the symptoms of the most common mental disorders, you may be able to identify the needs of your family members, friends, coworkers, and other individuals in your life. Check out the prevalence – the portion of the population – of typical mental conditions.

Anxiety Disorders: Feelings of Dread and Fear
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Anxiety disorders are the most common mental medical conditions professionals diagnose patients with today. More than a third of U.S. adults have a lifetime prevalence of an anxiety disorder. 

About 40 million adults in the country have an anxiety diagnosis. Some of these diagnoses include:

Social anxiety disorder, which affects 7 percent of adults, or 15 million people. Those with social anxiety have an irrational fear or concern about interactions with others and being in certain environments, like parties. Social anxiety can last years or a lifetime without treatment. 

Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). About 12 million U.S. adults, or 5.7 percent, have PTSD. Traumatic events can cause psychological issues, like nightmares and intense physical reactions. Wartime veterans commonly experience OCD following a tour of duty.

Generalized anxiety (GAD). People with GAD have persistent and intense feelings of worry, usually about aspects of their lives. About 6.8 million, or 3.1 percent of the U.S. adult population, suffer from GAD, but fewer than half receive treatment for the condition.  

Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). One percent, or 3 million, of adults in the country have OCD. Individuals with OCD have obsessive thoughts that lead to specific actions and behaviors. 

Panic disorder. Around one to two percent of the U.S. population experience some type of panic disorder each year. Individuals can suffer panic attacks and feelings of panic without any actual threat.

The term ‘anxiety’ includes feelings of worry, fear, stress, and uneasiness. These types of mental disorders can stem from trauma, a combination of little events, and genetics. Environmental factors can cause anxiety or worsen feelings of fear and stress.These same internal and external influences can cause other mental disorders problems.

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