Houseplants have always been beloved, not only for the splash of color they add to your décor, but also for the many benefits of having plants in your house. Plants are proven to have benefits to overall health and wellbeing while creating a pleasant green environment.
Nowadays, you are probably spending more time at home than ever before making it an ideal time to discover the benefits of houseplants.
Here are 5 benefits to your health that may be provided by adding plants to your home.
Note: Certain houseplants may be toxic to small children or pets. If you own any of these plants, keep them somewhere they cannot be reached and accidentally ingested.
Houseplants are a Calming Presence
Human beings are a part of nature, no matter how many smartphones and computer screens we surround ourselves with. Getting an indoor plant for a home or office is a quick and easy way to get the calming presence from nature wherever you need it. Studies have shown that one of the benefits of indoor plants is reduced stress levels and fatigue in addition to increased productivity.
There are a wide variety of indoor plants that can survive even in low-light environments, so anyone can get the benefits of owning a plant. You can place your favorite houseplant in your bedroom to help you reduce your stress at the end of the day. Choose an easy to care for houseplant like a snake plant or a ZZ plant to make being a plant owner even more stress-free.
Taking Care of Plants Can Help You Focus
Believe it or not, a houseplant can be one of the best additions to your desk if you want to increase your productivity. One of the lesser-known benefits of houseplants is that they have been shown to boost focus and productivity. Various studies have shown that people tend to work faster and for longer periods of time when there are plants placed nearby.
Students can also take advantage of the benefits of houseplants in their dorm rooms. Adding a plant to a study group can have positive results. Plants can brighten up even the smallest of living spaces and help to reduce the stress and anxiety of studying. There’s a plant out there for any amount of space, so everyone can get the benefits of owning a houseplant.
Plants are Natural Humidifiers
Nearly 10 percent of all the moisture in the air that we breathe is produced by plants, making them natural humidifiers. This increased humidity is one of the best health benefits of houseplants because it can help prevent the spread of viruses and bacteria. Plants that release moisture in the air can also be the perfect way to deal with stuffy rooms or the dry air in winter months.
One of the best indoor plants for good health is the Areca palm, making it an incredibly popular household plant. However, not all plants work well as natural humidifiers. For example, cacti and other succulents are known to retain water, so these plants do not release too much moisture into the air. If you are looking to increase the humidity in your home, you will need to choose the right houseplants for the job.
Breathe Easier with Plants Around
Another great benefit of indoor plants is that with enough plants, you can improve the air quality in your home. The snake plant is one of the best indoor plants for this health benefit because they are one of the only plants that continue to convert carbon dioxide into oxygen in the night. This makes the snake plant an ideal fit for any bedroom since they can provide oxygen as you sleep.
Some other plants that are known for providing oxygen and removing airborne pollutants include:
- Golden pothos (Scindapsus aureus)
- Dracaena
- Snake plants (Sansevieria trifasciata)
- Bamboo palm (Chamaedorea seifrizii)
- Aloe vera
- Spider plant
Heal Quicker with the Help of Houseplants
Flowers have always been a popular gift to give while visiting someone in the hospital because plants are a cheap, yet effective way to help with recovery. Studies have shown that hospital patients that were around plants during recovery had a noticeable improvement in their physiological responses.
During recovery, plants have been shown to help lower blood pressure, feelings of pain, fatigue, and anxiety. The benefits of houseplants are even more significant when patients use their recovery time in horticulture therapy. Patients who took time to physically care for plants have shown to reduce recovery time after many medical procedures. They also help prevent future illnesses by creating a more humid environment that helps eliminate viruses and bacteria.
Caring for Plants Can Give You a Sense of Accomplishment
Another study has shown that caring for a potted plant can improve your quality of life by making you feel accomplished. Plant owners get a sense of joy as they care for and nurture their plants. Being nurturing is an essential part of the human experience, so it’s no wonder that it feels so good to care for a collection of plants.
Becoming a plant owner comes with various responsibilities but growing and caring for indoor plants is good for your health and improves your mental health. Taking care of a living thing can add value and a sense of accomplishment to your daily routine. You will visibly see the results of your care and effort as your plants grow large and strong. This plant-based therapy is called horticulture therapy and over time, it can help with psychological and physical issues.
Plants Can Provide Aromatherapy
Certain plants are also great for aromatherapy because of the natural fragrances they give off. For example, the dwarf kaffir life tree has a citrus smell that will fill your home and indulge your senses.
Other fragrant plants that you can grow in your home include spearmint, jasmine, lemon balm, mint and more. Some of these plants also make excellent ingredients in cooking! Aromatherapy is just one of the many health benefits of houseplants that make them great for any household.
Aromatherapy is beneficial for health. Scents that are relaxing for you may have a different impact on someone else, so choosing plants for their smells and scents also offer a great way to tailor your home space to be the most relaxing place that in fully yours.