Our memories are an incredibly important aspect of our lives so it can be frustrating when we have moments of forgetfulness. As we age, some memory loss is normal but there are small, simple things that we can do everyday to boost the brain, strengthen our capacity for memories, and slow down memory loss.
Here are some tips to improve memory.
Learn a new skill
Do you know the expression “use it or lose it?” We can apply this idea to memory and how the brain functions. Our minds thrive on new stimuli and the more that we use our brains, the stronger they will be. One way to boost memory is to learn something new. To help improve your memory, you can choose any kind of new activity to do as long as it challenges you by commanding your full attention and focus. Learning a new language is a great option as some studies show that learning a second language can help delay the onset of the effects of dementia.
Test Your Sense Of Direction
The next time you are going to a familiar location, you may want to think about ignoring the maps app on your phone. A 2013 study deduced that constantly relying on GPS can shrink the hippocampus, which is the part of the brain that is linked to memory. If you try challenging your mind by relying on your innate sense of direction then you may be decreasing your chances of memory loss.
Maintain Your Sleep Schedule
For a long time medical experts have linked sleep deprivation to poor memory. To protect your memory you could try sticking to a regular bedtime and setting your alarm for the same time everyday. If you have trouble falling asleep one thing that you could consider is eliminating blue light from your bedroom. Studies show that the lights from our phones, computers, and television screens can interfere with our ability to fall asleep quickly. By keeping your phone and other devices out of your bedroom you may be able to improve your quality of sleep and preserve your good memory.
Drink More Water
Drinking more water and consuming less alcohol are two ways to improve memory. Our brains are mostly made of water, it helps our mind utilize nutrients. Even mild dehydration can have a drastic effect on our ability to memorize and retain memories. To protect your memory consider drinking 8 to 10 glasses of water every single day.
Be A Conscious Drinker
Too much beer or wine can also impair our memories because alcohol can inhibit our ability to retain information. It can also negatively impact our quality of sleep, an important part of memory retention. The next time you order cocktails it might be a good idea to pay extra attention to how much you are drinking so that you do not overdo it. Experts suggest that one drink a day for women and two drinks per day for men is a moderate amount of alcohol. Anything more may have negative effects on our health, including our memories.
Eat A Healthy Diet
If you would like to learn how to improve your memory then you may want to take a close look at your diet. The food we eat can have just as much of an impact on our memories as the drinks we consume. Sugary and fatty foods have been linked to memory impairment while certain foods, such as whole grains, nuts, fish, chicken, turkey, leafy greens, berries, may actually help improve our memories. These foods are the cornerstones of Mediterranean diets, including DASH (dietary approaches to stop hypertension) and MIND (Mediterranean-Dash intervention for neurodegenerative delay). Some medical experts think that these diets may have the ability to increase our capacity for memory and decrease risks of Parkinson’s and Alheimeer’s disease.
Find Ways To Relax
Stress is not a good thing for our minds. When we are stressed, our bodies release cortisol, a hormone that has been linked to memory impairment, especially when it comes to retrieving memories. Finding ways to decrease the stress in our lives could help improve our memory. You may want to consider a mindfulness practice such as meditation or yoga to help get rid of stress and relax. It could help save your memory!
Start Exercising
Physical activity can have good effects on our minds and improve our memory. When we get our heart rate going, we help the delivery of oxygen and nutrients get to our brains. This helps increase the creation of new cells, a process that is crucial for memory storage. Studies show that 30 minutes of exercise everyday can also improve the quality of our sleep, another important factor in memory. You do not have to become a marathon runner or bodybuilder to help improve your memory, even walking for exercise has the chance of leading to better memory function.
Maintain A Healthy BMI
Having a healthy weight can benefit your memory. Studies have shown that obesity is likely to have a bad effect on cognitive function and cause negative changes to the genes in our brains that are associated with memories. In some research, people who had higher BMIs performed more weakly on memory tests than those with regular BMIs. Obesity has also been linked to Alzheimer’s which is a disease that wreaks havoc on memory.
Double-check Your Vitamin D
If you ask your doctor how to improve memory, they may suggest checking your Vitamin D level. Vitamin D is a nutrient that helps our bodies absorb calcium and grow healthy bones. Studies show that having low levels of Vitamin D may cause numerous health issues, including depression, osteoporosis, heart disease, high blood pressure, cancer, chronic pain, and a decrease in cognitive function. This can negatively affect our memory.
Go For Fish Oil
Taking certain supplements can help improve different bodily functions. When it comes to memory, a fish oil supplement may be just the thing to help. One particular study found that the DHA and EPA found in fish oil helped improve the short-term memory of adults with cognitive impairments.